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Technological University Shannon uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s nursing school: Arc Intranet, Arc POW Net and Arc Swipe system.
Birmingham City University uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s nursing school: Arc Intranet, Arc University link, Arc POW Net, Arc PEP Net, Arc Reporting web service.
Bournemouth University uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s nursing school: Arc Intranet, Arc University link, Arc POW Net, Arc PEP Net, Arc Reporting web service.

University College Cork uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing school: Arc Reporting web Service, Arc Intranet, Arc Pow Net, Arc Pep Net, Arc Swipe System, Arc Auto Email, Arc Remote Absence and Arc Link Tutor Access website.

Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing school: Arc Intranet service.
Institute of Technology Tralee uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing school: Arc Intranet and Arc Swipe System.
Letterkenny Institute of Technology uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing school: Arc Intranet service.
Manchester Metropolitan University uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing school: Arc Intranet service.

National University of Ireland, Galway use the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing and Medicine schools: Arc Intranet, Arc POW Net and Arc PEP Net.

Northumbria University uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing and Social Work schools: Arc Intranet service, Arc Pow Net and Arc university link service.
Plymouth University uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing and social work schools: Arc Intranet, Arc Swipe System.
SAAD College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences (Saudi Arabia) uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing school: Arc Intranet Service.
Teesside University uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Radiotherapy, Dental and Paramedic Schools: Arc Intranet, Arc Pow Net, Arc Pep Net and Arc University Link.
Trinity College Dublin uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing and Medical Schools: Arc Intranet, Arc Pow Net and University Link.
University College Dublin uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing school: Arc Intranet and Arc POW.
University of Derby uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing and education schools: Arc Intranet, Arc Pow net and Arc Social Work Portal.
University of Hertfordshire uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing and education schools: Arc Intranet service.
University of Nottingham uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing school: Arc Intranet service and Pow Net.
University of South Wales uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing and social work schools: Arc Intranet, Arc Swipe System.
University of the West of England uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Schools: Intranet, Arc POW Net, Arc PEP Net, Arc Swipe System and Arc University Link.
University of West London uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing school: Arc Intranet, Arc POW Net, Arc PEP Net, Arc Swipe system, Arc University link and Arc Remote Allocations.
Waterford Institute of Technology uses the following Arc products to manage the university’s Nursing school: Arc Intranet System and Arc Swipe System.